Build Muscles by Doing Nothing

Build Muscles by Doing Nothing

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 Build Muscles by Doing Nothing


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There is not a worse way to build muscles in the world than by doing too much. Have you ever had a friend that seemed as if they lived in the gym? They constantly obsessed over how much they exercised, and were always so upset and thought that there was something wrong with them when they didn't get the results that they were after.

This is a reality for a lot of people. They are so blind sighted by their goals that they ignore the facts and rules of the body. Either someone isn't telling them, or they just have not paid it any sort of attention. But, one thing is for sure, and that is that the best looking people do next to nothing in the gym. Their motto may as well be "now you see me, now you don't".

Whereas on the other hand, you will notice that some people are in there literally killing themselves. Their breathing is incorrect and they are always straining. They can sometimes even look like they are hurting themselves. There are also those people who are always experiencing cramps and pains from too much lifting, but they still persist.

It seems that building muscle is their never ending goal in this life, and they just cannot reach it, although they are trying harder than everyone else. Do you know what is wrong with these people? They are trying too hard. They need to hit their muscles extremely hard, and then go home, eat a protein rich post workout meal, and then rest.

For those of you who are spending 2 to 3 hours in the gym each day, you are doing yourselves more harm than good. The human body can only take so much. Too much work weakens us. Why do you think that we get tired? Listening to your body should be your number one priority when building muscle. You should do a couple of sets of free weights or compound exercise moves with very low reps and get out of there as soon as possible.

Go running or something else, but do not persist to stay in the gym no longer than 45 minutes lifting weights. You should also not attempt to work the same muscle any sooner than 48-72 hours later. Muscles can only grow and recover when they are resting. A muscle that is constantly worked is tired and fatigued is not how to build muscles effectively. If muscle stays in a working state, then it cannot recover. That is why the "laziest" people in the gym seem to look the best and have the leanest muscles.

Make resting a top priority for your workouts and you will start to notice a difference. There is a time of healing that needs to occur for your sore muscles so that they can grow. You do not even have to go to the gym every day, as a matter of fact, you do not even have to work the muscles any more than once a week if you do not want to. When you try too hard, your body is past exhausted. You might even suffer some physical symptoms such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, and confusion. Your heart rate may become elevated and your body will be shaky when it is overworked.